The Hell Furnaces are dominated by a huge star named Abyssal Gigantus, on the trailing side of the Dark Clouds Nebula. Many of the surrounding star systems have suffered the terrible wrath of this furious stellar object. There is a desperate quality to worlds in this subsector. Despite the tremendous bounty of energy available, the subsector serves little more than a corridor between its neighbours

Abyssal Gigantus: A giant star and a surrounding gaseous halo that create a region of intense heat and radiation. Also known for dangerous and violent novae that tear starships apart like a tsunami.



Bounty: A planet of manorial farms built on floating islands orbiting in the higher atmosphere of this large rocky world, whose surface is crushingly uninhabitable, above the choking clouds that smother the planet from sight,




Emperors Anvil

Gods Lament

Hells Teeth

Ironholm: The planet is pockmarked by the tall hives, all interconnected by transit tunnels to avoid the foul lifeforms that infest the surface of this poisonous world. The network spreads across oceans too, some below the surface, some underground, some held aloft by mighty pylons, and all politically competitive.

Mines of Veska

Penance: A world that challenges survival. Quarantined by orbital security, the inmates are set free, and must earn their freedom by ascension through seven levels of purification. It is understood the process involves quests that test heart and soul, and many do not survive. Many, of course, do not attempt to leave, and live out their lives in punishment of the deeds.

Pestilence: A world devoted to the Officio Medicus, a hospital on a planetary scale, and the doctors and physicians of this world conduct vital research into alien infections and spores.


Tenth Hell



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