The Golden Main is a wealthy and profitable region, the 'breadbasket' of Galgoth. It's also home to the only shipyards in the sector outside of Adeptus Mechanicus control. Known as the Albonine Yards, it's a focus of mercantile power for the Imperia Commercia. Most important of all is the Astra Nostrum (Our Stars), a fief of the Cult Mechanicus and the centre of their activity in this sector.

Albonine Yards: The only shipyard in the sector outside of Adeptus Mechanicus control, and one that is said to resemble a spider web in space. Situated on the main transport route through the middle of the sector, the Imperia Commercia are very much in evidence here, and rumours tell of the frightening fees and licenses charged by all and sundry.

Ark: Of the worlds owned by the Adeptus mechanicus, this is the most densely populated. Life here is rigid, ordered, and pre-ordained with statistical and scientific precision. To make errors in scheduling is second only to the most heinous crimes here. None may disturb the operation of the Ark.

(Astra Nostrum): Fief belonging to the Adeptus Mechanicus who rule this region according to the dictum of the Omnissiah and His Logic.




Crimson Eridani: An agri-world of red vegetation. The populace live in habitats and spires created from the huge trees, some as much as several hundred metres in height and enormous in girth, hollowed out to form shelters. Not all trees are inhabited by human beings, and those beings detest the human need for deforestation and crop farming.

Crucible Draconis: The endless factories and forges of Crucible Draconis are the home of the Adeptus Mechanicus in this sector. Vast mills and smelter complexes have created a vision of hell, and the world is permanently obscured by thick clouds of industrial exhaust.

Divus Magna: A place of pilgrammage for the faithful. A world of intense and terrifying storms, of illusion, dreams, nightmares, and prophecy. Yet the Ministorum deny the sanctity of this rugged world and its havens encased in protective shields, for it is regarded by the priesthood as a place of religious anarchy.

Draco Lemuris: Rumoured to be a testing ground for new machines or engines of war. It is said they stage entire automated battles to test their theories and equipment in the varied if war-torn terrain of this otherwise insignificant world.

Draconis Rex: A world devoted to the pleasures of the elite of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It remains a secretive planet, an eclectic mix of intellectual and leisure pursuits available for those with enough status and wealth. Not a carefree world however, as rumour insists that protocols are most important when accessing your chosen activity.





Omicron Draconis


Rho Draconis






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